Dear Members of Prince of Peace:
We hope that you are all well and enjoying the weather. We are excited about the increasing opportunities for in-person worship and our steady return to more in-person fellowship.
These positive changes enable us to now shape our identity and focus relentlessly on our mission and purpose for the future. As mentioned in previous communications, the Congregation Council together with the Forward Leadership Team have been working to organize a series of small group discussions with all of you to help us shape our mission and define our calling as a church family.
We have kicked-off these conversations and would like to extend an invitation to you to participate with us. These conversations will take place in groups of four members and facilitated by two members of the Forward Leadership Team / Council. We intend to keep the session to one hour and focus the conversation on the following three questions:
- What brought you to Prince of Peace for the first time?
- What keeps you coming to Prince of Peace?
- What do you love about Prince of Peace?
Through these questions, we intend to gain insights on our core strengths as a congregation and use those strengths to define our “why” and establish a roadmap moving forward.
Here are the second set of dates for these discussions. This schedule is a mix of face to face format at the church (either indoors or outdoors with social distancing precautions maintained) and Zoom. The next round of dates and times are as follows:
- Tuesday 9/21/21, 7 pm (Zoom)
- Sunday 9/26/21, 9:50 am (Prince of Peace, outdoors)
- Sunday 10/3/21, 9:50 am (Prince of Peace, outdoors)
Please sign-up for the date and time convenient for you. You can also call the church office and Rene will put you on the schedule. It is very important that you make sure to sign up in a timely fashion to help us with planning and implementation.
We encourage you to join us on this exciting journey and thank you for your commitment!
In Christ,
Prince of Peace Executive Council (on behalf of the Council and Forward Leadership Team)